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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Out with the old, in with the new.

2011 has held quite a few life changing events.
*my classroom before I got to decorate*
In January, I started my very first "real" job out of college. I began the task of teaching anywhere between 25-28 5th graders (mid-year!). I can honestly say these "tweeners" have changed my outlook on life and have helped to mold my personality into what it is today.

I spent the next 6 months preparing for one of the largest events of my life: marrying my best friend.

*snapshot from our beautiful day* (Marah Grant Photography)

July 16, 2011 was the best day of my life, and the last 5 1/2 months have been more and more wonderful as each day passes.

August brought the new school year. New strategies for teaching, new friends, and new determination. I feel that I have grown so much as an educator this year. I am so much more confident in myself!

September has made me almost a quarter of a century old. 24. When did this all happen!?

November and December brought me and my husband to our first year of celebrating the holidays together. It was wonderful to be with each of our families and get to spend that time together as a family of 2.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Family...whether you want them or not!


That has always been a word that has meant a lot to me. I grew up in a town where I was surrounded by my ENTIRE family. Literally. I never missed a birthday of a parent, sibling, cousin, aunt, uncle or grandparent. I never missed that impromptu trip to Fort Wayne for a shopping spree. I was always there when grandma just "popped in" to say hello. 

Until I left for college.

Then, slowly but surely, things began to change. I began missing on things due to the fact I was now 2 hours away from home or because I was busy doing schoolwork. 
Eventually, I got married and began my own family. Even though I am only 3 hours away - which is completely do-able for a weekend visit - it's just long enough to make the drive a hassle. It's funny how your family can get on your nerves and you want to be far, far away....until they are no longer at a fingertips' length. 

In a nutshell....I miss them. While I love my husband and the little life we have made, I miss my other family as well.  One thing I can be completely grateful for is the fact that I have married into a wonderful family that I not only consider my "in-laws" but also my FAMILY. 

As I was pondering this post, I was thinking what the word "family" actually means. I came to the conclusion that just because someone isn't related to you biologically or by marriage it doesn't mean they aren't FAMILY.  My teacher friends at school are my family (most of the time I see them more than my own husband!). My college friends are my family.  Family members are the people you love, respect, and can't wait to spend time with - no matter the result of any DNA test you would take.

In conclusion, to all of my family out there - THANK YOU. I love you and the support you continually give to me.