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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Winding Down

As Christmas Break is winding down, I can't believe all of the things that have happened!! These past two weeks have pretty much been filled with a life-changing decision/occurrence. I'm thrilled to have gotten this job, but at the same time, I've been very overwhelmed with the thought of picking up in a classroom that is known for their behavior issues.  I'm overwhelmed with the thought of starting a new classroom in the middle of the year when I have no idea where the first teacher was in all of her plans/units/projects/groups, etc.  The only thing I have found to comfort myself in this time is to just say to myself, "Take it one day at a time, Tara."

Not only is this my first year teaching, it's in a very unconventional situation. I have pretty much decided that if I can make it through this year I'll be happy! I know that it's not going to be perfect and it is going to be a great learning experience.  I'm very thankful that I have such wonderful people I work with to help me through this transition.

Wedding update: I found my dress! It's fabulous, and I can't wait for the day to wear it!  Other than that...not much is going on. I was supposed to choose a caterer and cake person over this break, but this new job has kind of taken precedence. Go figure. I've really started to calm down about the whole planning thing. At first, I was gung ho, making lists everywhere I turned! Now, I'm just taking it one step at a time, and honestly don't care too much how it's going to happen - just as long as it does!!
Only 197 days - not too bad, right????     :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


not something I possess a lot of.

However, people say that patience is a virtue.  I'm not quite sure what that means (never really have known...) but today, I'm coming up with a new saying:

Patience is the hardest thing ever, but everything will happen in God's time. So, sit down, be quiet, and enjoy the ride.

These past few days have really been a whirlwind for me.  Last Thursday, I was made aware of a job opening at another school in my district.  I contacted the principal, and he asked me to submit my resume. I rushed home, turned it in, and tried to wait patiently.  Friday, while at school, I got a message delivered to me to call the principal's secretary where the opening was.  I found a spare second (rather quickly...) and got an interview for Tuesday!  I rushed home for this past weekend (already had plans for wedding dress shopping!!) and then turned right around to head back to Anderson on Monday night.  Tuesday, I awoke to a "blizzard" (or so for central Indiana) and ice storm.  I rushed around, and made it to the interview with time to spare!!  I wasn't sure what to expect, but when I walked in the conference room, there were about eight teachers and the principal all there to interview me! Talk about nerve racking!!  Somehow, I was able to answer each question in depth and with answers they seemed to really agree with.  I left the 30 minute interview to go to Justin's apartment and await the dreaded phone call.  I waited all day, since I knew the decision was to be made right away. However, the phone never rang.  Once it reached about 8:30, I gave up and told myself I hadn't gotten it.  This morning, at about 8:45 I was shaken awake by the vicious vibrating of my phone.  After seeing the number, I woke up in a flash and tried to seem like I hadn't just opened my eyes.  The principal called to say he was offering me the job at Stonybrook Intermediate Academy!!!  (YES, just like on Babysitter's Club! :) )I was absolutely ecstatic.  Now, I have 1 1/2 weeks to pull together my 1st classroom as well as familiarize myself with a grade level I've never worked with and prepare myself for a classroom that is notorious for it's behavior problems.  If nothing else, this year is going to be a learning experience! 

While I am thrilled to start this new page, it is also bittersweet. I'm really going to miss the teachers and staff at Liberty Park.  I've met some really wonderful people, and had some great learning experiences as well. I am glad I have had the chance to get to know these people and that they have had this impact on my life.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Favorite time of the year...

As I sit here in the dimly lit living room with the Christmas tree all aglow, I am truly reminded that this is my favorite time of the year!! I love the warmth you feel when you are snuggled under a blanket while the snow is softly falling outside the window. I love the bustle that is found at the mall (even the Mounds Mall!). I love all of the activities that we all do, just for the season.

Another reason I am particularly joyful this season is because I can't help but think about next Christmas. I am thrilled to go and pick a tree with Justin, decorate it, and truly make it our own. I am excited to experience all of these "firsts" with him!

I'm off to cross my fingers for a 2 hour delay tomorrow...  :)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is youer than you.
-Dr. Seuss

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.
-Dr. Seuss

These are a few of my favorite Dr. Seuss quotes I thought I'd share.  One of my supervising teachers during my student teaching was a huge Dr. Seuss fan. We spent hours online looking at quote and discussing their meanings.  Amazing how something that is intended for a child can still be applicable to us as adults.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


It's funny to me how the holidays are supposed to be the time where we relax and spend time with those that we love most.  However, for me, the holidays end up being a time where I am stressed out to the max. If I'm not rushing around at home because I only have a few days to do/see everyone I am scrambling around to finish that one last Christmas gift....every year.

As I grow older, I am trying to appreciate the time I do get to spend with my family, because I know that things will be changing as we are all getting older/married. I had a wonderful break with my family, even though both of my parents came down with the flu while I was home.  I was still able to enjoy Thanksgiving with my entire family. The day after Thanksgiving consisted of the annual aunts/nieces shopping trip (minus my madre) and the day after that was Candy Making Day!  I loved being at home taking part in the things that I miss the most while I'm in Anderson...

I am continually reminding myself to stop and take the time to smell the roses....

every day.