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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring Break!

My husband has informed me that I have neglected this blog for far too long...and I felt it was time for an update. Nothing too exciting, so don't get your hopes up!

While most people think of going somewhere fabulous and sunny over spring break, I have done the opposite.

I am lucky enough to be on a balanced schedule at my school where we get 2 weeks off for spring break. I have seriously spent the last week on my couch only moving to load the dishwasher, get something else to eat, or find the remote to turn it from one lame reality tv show to the next. I am also not ashamed.

Hopefully, some pictures of some pinterest crafts I've been dreaming up will be coming soon...

This next week doesn't contain much more for me than the last. A roadtrip with a good friend for a few days and some time with the family. That's about it.

Friday, February 17, 2012

WARNING - this post contains ranting!

I am tired.


But more than that, I am tired of people constantly having an opinion about my profession.

I am a teacher.
I work HARD.
I work with other teachers who love their students and work just as hard (if not harder).
I spend more time at school than with my own husband.
Nay, I spend more time with my students than with my own husband.
I DO care.
I DO put their needs first.
I have to parent, love, care for, doctor, referee, and discipline children. All while being judged about doing MY job correctly.

Let's live by the saying I am constantly chanting at my children: When you have yourself figured out and perfected, THEN you may worry what anyone else is doing. Until YOU are perfect - you don't get a say.

If you think you can do it better, please, come to room 110 and give it a try.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Let's be realistic, now...

Being realistic, logical, or thinking through my actions entirely are not things that I excel at. Luckily, my financial analyst, always-logical, constantly-thinking-ahead (but also in a band?) husband is the exact opposite of me. If only you knew how many times in the past 5 1/2 months I've heard, "Tara, you didn't quite think that one through did you??"....

I'm not one to set "resolutions" for the new year. I tried one year and by February had completely forgotten what it was I had resolved to do. Therefore, I was not about to hop on the "2012 will be the BEST year EVA" train or the "I'm going to be in the BEST shape of my life" bandwagon. Let's face it: the first time I meet a Hershey's bar this year, that baby's gonna win my soul over.

However, the husband and I have tried to set a goal of accomplishing something this year together that improves our physical fitness. Whether it's going for a walk in the sunshine, playing some ultimate frisbee, or just going for a bike ride on the Monon, it's our goal to spend time together doing something we enjoy.

The inspiration for tonight's blog comes from the fact that yesterday we started just that - togetherness.

January 1: Pilates. We found some free pilates instruction videos on our On Demand portion of Comcast. Needless to say, at one point we were both lying on the living room floor dying of laughter as we watched each other attempt to look like the instructor.

January 2: Gym. Our apartment complex has a gym that I had never been in the presence of....until tonight. Needless to say, the 16 minutes I spend on that treadmill was the most running/fast walking I have done in a looooong time. It felt really good, though, to be up and moving around. We are hoping to set our goals for a 5K walk/run in Indy sometime in the future.

In conclusion, here's to keeping our goals alive and spending the time together... :)